Full Figured 11 Page 9
“Janiyah, I want you to meet the two models you’ll be working with for this shoot.” Donya made her way to the two gentlemen. “This is H. Keem Johson.” Donya nudged the lighter one to move up. “He’s the author of the F Them Thots series that stays on the bestsellers lists, and my writing partner.”
“Nice to meet you,” H. said. He took Janiyah’s hand and kissed it.
“And this stern gentleman over here is Wanya.” Donya motioned for him to move up. “He’s the owner of the popular restaurant, Jamaica.”
Janiyah smiled. She loved going to Jamaica whenever she got the chance. “What do I have to do to get you to open a location in Raleigh?”
“I haven’t thought about it.” Wanya’s voice was surprisingly deep. “I haven’t been to Raleigh before. We’ll have to talk about it once the shoot ends.”
Janiyah looked at the men again. Being around fine specimens that were as exotic as these two was sure to tempt any woman to leave her marriage and commit adultery for a little bit. H.’s Asian features competed fiercely with his African undertones. If it weren’t for his name, one would have no idea he was multicultural. And Wanya’s tight, compact body had muscles rippling in all the right places. She could tell by the way his jacket hung off him and the way his pants fit that his middle name had to be Trouble.
Donya handed Janiyah a blue dress, some light blue knee-high socks, and some blue platforms. “You’ll find an Afro wig in the dressing room,” Donya instructed. “Also, Willow will be assisting you in selecting accessories to bring this look to life.”
“This’ll be fun,” Janiyah responded.
“Janiyah, I think this would look good on you.” Willow held up a beaded, extra-long necklace that had violets glued to it. “It will match the violet that we’ll place in the ’fro and bring out the light shades of purple and yellow that are going to be in the other accessories we’ll match you with.”
Janiyah reached for the wig that was hanging on the coat rack. She touched the violet and was surprised at how real it felt. She smiled as she felt she could relax and get into the spirit of playfulness and fun that Donya was trying to fit with the cover.
“I wish you’d let me read the series first before I shot the cover,” Janiyah commented as she put the Afro back on the coat hanger.
“Now, you know I can’t do that,” Donya commented.
Janiyah began to take off her sweater and put on the blue dress. She pulled down and stepped out of her blue jeans and made sure the hem of the dress sat comfortably between her hip and her thighs.
“Are you still worried about the issue with your church?” Donya asked as she handed Janiyah the blue tube socks.
“No,” Janiyah answered. She took off her shoes and socks and put on the tube socks. “God wants us at Town Mountain Baptist for a reason. I truly believe we are not done with our mission there.”
“I felt that too.” Donya placed the platforms on the floor so that Janiyah could step into them. “In these last days, Satan will always be busy, and he will always use things and people to keep us from focusing on our assignment, which is to put God first and to spread the word that He loves us.”
Janiyah stepped into her platforms and made sure they fit securely and snug. She then walked around in them for a few paces. Janiyah was surprised at how comfortable she felt in the shoes. Janiyah walked back to the mirror and had a seat in the chair. Donya handed her the Afro wig, and Janiyah fixed it on her head, rearranging the violet so that it bloomed right over her ear.
“You’re right,” Janiyah stated as she reached for her purse and pulled out a brush and some foundation. As she beat her face, she replied, “We are supposed to go out into the world and share the gospel, and if I can’t do that with the church I’m with now, then I don’t need to be there.”
Janiyah spent the next few minutes chatting with Donya and applying shades of purple to her eyes, her cheekbones, and her lips. When she was done, she sparkled like the disco ball she soon would be sitting under. Once she finished her final look, she could hear the LaBelles crooning over a hard disco track. Patti’s voice soared, and Janiyah could feel herself getting hype.
“I’m ready.” Janiyah looked in the mirror one last time. For a brief moment, she could picture her mother wearing the exact same gear she had on, and she left with a smile on her face.
Chapter Seventeen
Gun and Janiyah walked into the church, arm in arm, to face the music. Together.
Janiyah was still feeling a buzz from her groovy Seventies-themed photo shoot, and she couldn’t wait to see the book covers that she, H., and Wanya would grace. Donya offered Janiyah the Afro wig, and Janiyah gladly accepted the gift. She loved it so much that she was still wearing it, and she had gotten quite a few compliments from those who’d seen her when she arrived back in Raleigh an hour earlier.
The black leather trench coat and her black knee-high boots made Janiyah feel as if she belonged in En Vogue’s “Free Your Mind” video. Ironically, she’d hoped that the members of her church were as free as she’d known many of them to be. She prayed that her indiscretion wouldn’t cost her the position she’d grown to love in youth outreach at the church. She loved working with the young ladies and helping them see the beauty inside themselves and helping them overcome the obsession with dressing for the approval of others. Under her trench coat, Janiyah felt like she was trembling and moving back and forth worse than a broken church fan.
Gun looked like a boss in his sharp, double-breasted suit with a vest and a silk black tie to go with his white shirt. His Johnston & Murphy shoes continued at a steady pace as he and Janiyah greeted members of the church who were wishing them the best and encouraging them to stay prayed up in Christ.
Gun and Janiyah made it into the church, and they could feel the cool breeze. The smell of fried chicken tantalized their noses. Janiyah could picture the kitchen committee seasoning flour and making cornbread. She could smell the Applegate natural turkey bacon tempting her to come grab a piece, and the greens that were cooked in smoked turkey wings were Gun’s favorite.
“I guess there is going to be a celebration of some sort after the vote is revealed.” Gun smiled and flashed his heavenly white teeth.
Janiyah forced a smile. “I’m praying this is a church unification party and not our going away party.”
Gun wrapped his arm around her waist and brought Janiyah closer to him. The smell of his cologne comforted her, and Janiyah felt that Gun was the protector she’d always known him to be.
“I believe we’ll be fine,” he said.
“I want to know who took the pictures and who embarrassed us at this church like that. I mean really,” Janiyah started to complain as Brianna and Danyelle caught her eye.
“We will worry about that at another time.” Gun pressed forward as he opened the door to the sanctuary and ushered Janiyah inside. “Right now, we still have a church to serve, and the last thing we have to worry ’bout is what Satan is up to.” Gun turned to face her. “What I know is that God is in control now, and He’ll continue to be in control of this Body of Christ whether we are part of it or not.”
Janiyah continued her brave face as she walked toward the front of the church. The first pews were reserved for her, Gun, and members of the church board.
Once they were seated, a calm came before the church. One of the deacons led the deacon board and the trustees into the church from the adjoining room next to the sanctuary. He flashed a smile at Janiyah and Gun, and Janiyah returned a smile. As the deacon board and trustees were coming in, Mother Shirley led the elders of the church that were coming into the sanctuary. As the elders were seated and surrounded them, Mother Shirley took a seat next to Janiyah.
“You look really nice,” Mother Shirley complimented as she gave Janiyah a hug. “No matter what, keep your head up.”
“Thank you,” Janiyah replied as the comforting words put her spirit at ease. If anyone made the process comfortable, it was Mother Shirley. Either
way, Janiyah was thinking of a way to pay her back for her kindness.
The head of the deacon board stood in front of the congregation. “I’m not going to draw this out. This church has had some unwanted attention lately. There have been many spirited discussions. We are a family here. We do not turn our backs on anyone. With that being said, it is the board’s recommendation that Gun and Janiyah stay with the congregation.”
A sigh of relief left Janiyah’s lips. Celebration could be heard. Many of her church family members reached out for hugs. Gun leaned over and gave her a kiss, and Mother Shirley hugged her tight.
“I knew God’s will would be done,” Mother Shirley said, rejoicing when she let Janiyah go.
“Yes.” Janiyah felt the weight of the world lift off her shoulders. “His will is being done.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Janiyah could see Brianna and Danyelle standing up and leaving. She didn’t care.
“Let’s go talk to the people.” Gun got up and extended his hand to help Janiyah up. They walked to the podium, hand in hand, and the cheers only seemed to get louder. Once they reached the podium, Gun lifted his and Janiyah’s joined hands, and pandemonium seemed to overtake the church. Janiyah could hear members of the congregation praising God and openly blessing them to continue in leadership. She could hear many say “congratulations” and “amen.”
Gun took a step forward, letting Janiyah’s hand go.
“Good evening, church.” Gun’s words silenced the congregation. “First, we want to thank all of you for your prayers, your love, and your support. Next, we want to say we love you. We love you, and we want to move forward with you to keep Town Mountain Baptist Church in God’s will and to do the work He wants us to do. And with that, we say again, thank you all.”
Gun extended his hand for Janiyah’s again, and they walked side by side as they left the pulpit.
* * *
Janiyah took a bite of chicken and immediately, she felt comforted. Southern cooking did the trick, and as she took the next bite, she didn’t feel guilty about being a big girl, or that she had an abundance of food on her plate. After the ordeal they had just been through, she deserved to enjoy herself a little.
“I told you everything was going to work out all right,” Mother Shirley said as she took a seat next to them.
“I believe you,” Janiyah replied and exhaled. “Now, if I can find out who took the pictures and why they wanted to expose us and what’s going on with the alleged videos and stuff. . . .”
“What you will find is that your mind is not to wander off and worry about those trivial things.” Mother Shirley was firm. “God is in control. Let Him deal with the evil-doers. Contrary to popular belief, you cannot fight all the battles yourself.”
Janiyah nodded her head. She tasted the potato salad and agreed with the others who said it was good. She made a mental note to herself to get the recipe from the kitchen committee once the festivities were over.
“Hey, Janiyah.” Brianna had walked to their table. Gun and Brianna exchanged hugs. Janiyah and Brianna exchanged head nods.
“Good evening, Brianna.” Janiyah was cordial in her response. She put her fork down so that Brianna would not see her eating.
“I just wanted to congratulate you in continuing your ministry here.” Brianna addressed both of them.
“Thank you,” Janiyah replied.
“Danyelle went home sick, but I did want to let you know that we voted for you and that we trust you will continue to take the church to new heights,” Brianna told them as she looked around and waved at another parishioner.
“We thank you for the support,” Gun said as he got up and gave her a hug. “Y’all come to church this Sunday. I’m sure we’ll hear a message that will keep us moving forward.”
Brianna went on her way, and soon, another member of the congregation was congratulating and assuring them that they had their vote. A part of Janiyah wanted to know who had voted against them or who was indifferent, but another part of Janiyah accepted the fact that not everyone was going to like them. She was put in the position to praise God and inspire young girls. God did not put Gun and Janiyah in their positions to be liked by everyone or to be the most popular.
Janiyah was glad that she wouldn’t have to worry about their ability to remain in the church, but the vote didn’t answer two important questions: Who took the pictures of them, and what did they want from Gun and Janiyah?
Chapter Eighteen
The iPhone danced in its spot on the nightstand as Bando Jonez asked if anyone had had any good sex lately. Janiyah reached over and halted the alarm. She decided not to entertain the thought as she hopped out of bed. She looked at the mirror and smiled at her reflection, and loved the way she smiled back. While Janiyah wasn’t narcissistic, she did enjoy her moments of self-love, because if she didn’t love herself, she couldn’t expect anyone else to. Janiyah flexed her muscles and nodded her head. The low-carb diet did its job as Janiyah did a self-examination of her frame. Like a skilled nurse, she scanned for new bruises, warts, or any other blemishes.
She had lost a few pounds since the whole sex scandal blew up. In order to relieve some of the stress she was feeling, Janiyah had begun working out more than before. The trips to the gym were starting to pay off. While she was getting fit, she still kept her full frame.
The church’s support for her and Gun to continue in their ministry roles had lifted a huge weight off her shoulders. She thanked God for this blessing and couldn’t wait to get before another group of young women. I’ve come a long way from the angry non-believer I once was. Janiyah thought. If only Oz could see me now.
As she took off her nightgown and put on some gray sweats and Fila athletic shoes, Janiyah glanced at her phone. Bando Jonez started singing “Sex You,” and Janiyah shook her head. She must have hit snooze before. She quickly turned the phone off and chuckled.
“Gun, your sense of humor has gotten crass lately,” Janiyah spoke as she looked in the mirror.
Gun wasn’t in the bed, and Janiyah knew that when she got up. She looked at the phone again. It was six thirty in the morning. She thought about where Gun could be. Normally he would be beside her, getting dressed so they could do the morning jog together. Janiyah couldn’t recall a meeting that had been rescheduled. Wherever he was, she figured it was important and that she had probably just forgotten he told her where he would be. In all the craziness of the past few weeks, it must have just slipped through the cracks.
Continuing her morning routine, Janiyah shifted through a few yoga exercises to warm up. Then she got to the nitty gritty and worked on her reps of jumping jacks, push-ups, situps, and other calisthenics that helped her maintain her curvaceously fit frame.
Janiyah’s motivation wasn’t just tied to modeling. She always knew she wanted to become a mother one day. The thought of having children had been on her mind a lot lately. She glanced at the small picture of a young girl who bore a strong resemblance to Gun. That reminded her of the angry baby mama that was tied to her. Gun’s daughter would soon be turning ten, and Gun had not been able to see her in months. Her mother used her as a weapon against Gun. He loved his daughter and would do anything for her, and his baby mama knew that. Gun had been giving her money for his daughter since the day she was born.
The mistake he made was that he always gave her cash. Since quitting the drug business, Gun’s cash flow was not what it used to be, and he wasn’t giving her as much as she was used to. Out of spite, she took him to court and claimed to have never received any money from him in years. The courts ruled in the mother’s favor when he was unable to provide proof of payments, and he was now eight thousand dollars in arrears for child support.
Quiet as it was kept, it took some begging and some pleading to get the judge not to throw Gun in jail and instead set up back payments for child support. Gun had fathered two children during his time in gangs. He had his daughter that was turning ten soon, and
another child that would have been turning eight had he not died within a year of his birth.
Janiyah often wondered if Gun’s drama with his daughter’s mother made him apprehensive to want to have children with her. Gun had assured her that it didn’t.
Janiyah began to slow down her workout and headed to the kitchen. Ten minutes was enough time to warm up and get her heart racing. Not knowing where Gun was or how soon he’d be back, Janiyah wanted to welcome Gun back to their home with a home-cooked meal.
Keyshia Cole’s “She” interrupted her.
“Aw, hell no,” she cursed to herself as she scooped up her phone and saw TANISHA FRESH come across the screen. Janiyah shook her head. She couldn’t stand Gun’s baby mama. Broad wasn’t anything but a troublemaker, and she knew that whatever it was she had to say would just be the cause of some mess.
Tanisha took great pleasure in running Janiyah and Gun up the wall, from forcing them to buy extra stuff for Nia, to attempting to violate their marriage by demanding Gun have sex with her in order to see his daughter. Tanisha knew exactly which buttons to push.
“Hi, Tanisha,” Janiyah greeted. She tried to be nice—stay nice—because she wanted Gun to see his child without any mess.
“When am I gonna get some?” Tanisha asked as she made smacking noises on the phone.
“What are you eating?” Janiyah was annoyed. She usually ate after she took a shower from doing her workout—and because of Tanisha, she wasn’t finished yet.
“Don’t changed the subject. I want Gun and a few of his homeboys to come and see me. I need to remind him why it was a mistake marrying you, and what we could have if he married me.”
Here we go! Janiyah thought to herself. She put the phone on speaker and set it back on the nightstand.
“If I were to agree to some foolishness like that, who is going to watch Nia?” Janiyah decided to entertain herself with the nonsense to kill a little bit of time. She needed a good laugh anyway.