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“I’ll get my mom to watch her.” Tanisha came up with a solution to her dilemma.
Janiyah shook her head as she headed toward her closet to pick out a suit to wear. She didn’t have any major plans today, but she liked to be prepared in case she got called in for a modeling job, or if an emergency required her to be at the church or the hospital for one of their members.
“You know Nia gets bored over there,” Janiyah complained as she decided on an outfit and grabbed her phone off the dresser. She took the phone off speaker and held the device to her ear. “Why would you even put that little girl in that situation? Real talk, Gun’s mom and his brothers are coming from Goldsboro, and they planned on taking us out to eat. Maybe I’ll have us all come by after dinner.”
Tanisha smacked her lips. A slick grin came across Janiyah’s face because Tanisha knew better than to mess with Gun’s mom. Janiyah grabbed some light weights that were on the floor next to the dresser. She hated putting them there, but that was the only way she could remember to take them with her on her jogs.
“Can’t that witch come another day?” Tanisha replied, frustrated. “Don’t nobody got time for her and the rainbow coalition today.”
“Why you gotta be mean and talk about Gun’s family like that? You knew Gun’s family was coming up to visit with us today. We will have to entertain your conniving ways another day.” Janiyah’s patience was running thin with Tanisha. She was pushing another button by talking about her in-laws.
“Girl, don’t get slick,” Tanisha quipped with attitude. “And believe me, Gun loves to be entertained by me.”
“Tanisha, I hope you aren’t calling to ask for any money outside of what we are already paying through the court.” Janiyah was annoyed as she walked out of the bedroom into the bathroom. She looked on the shelf and grabbed a clean wash rag so she could rid herself of the sweat that was forming on her forehead. “Shoot,” Janiyah vented as she realized she’d have to walk to the other side of their home to get the towels she’d left in the dryer and fold them.
“I have a good reason this time,” Tanisha defended. “You know Nia got sick two weeks ago. I had to call out and didn’t have any sick time left, so my check was short and now I don’t have enough for my rent.”
Lies, all lies, Janiyah thought but decided against calling Tanisha on it. She reached into the dryer to grab a rag, went to the other bedroom that she and Gun used as an office, and wiped her face off in the bathroom in there. Janiyah was pleased that the bathroom still smelled like the multi-purpose cleaner and bleach she’d used to clean it the night before.
“Look, can I call you after Gun comes home?” Janiyah turned off the water. “That way you can talk to him before we have to meet his mom.”
“Fine,” Tanisha conceded. “Gun and I will be hooking up in another day or so—believe that. And I’m gonna have another one of his babies.”
“Bye, Tanisha.” Janiyah had had enough and pressed the END button on the phone. Janiyah rinsed the towel and picked up the bathroom cleaner off the floor, sprayed some in the sink, and put it back on the floor under the basin.
As Janiyah walked out of the bathroom, she saw that the front door had been left open.
“What in the world?” Janiyah said to herself because she knew something was up. The door had been closed when she walked from one end of their home to the other.
“Move and I’ll blow your fucking brains out!” a voice commanded.
Janiyah lifted her hands. She could feel the cold steel at the back of her dome and knew she was in a bad situation.
“Walk back to your room and empty the safe,” the voice commanded.
Janiyah wanted to ask how the intruder knew about the safe but decided against it. She moved forward with her hands still in the air. She knew that Gun still kept his piece of steel under the head of the bed, and the safe that her assailant referenced was in the closet at the foot of the bed. There was no way she could stop and grab a weapon without risking death.
Even if Janiyah could reach the gun, she had always been scared to touch it and wouldn’t know how to operate it if her life depended on it.
Janiyah just wanted to see Gun, and her heart raced in fifteen different directions of worry about where he was and if he was still alive. She felt in her heart that he was, but that didn’t stop her from wanting to be sure. There was less than two grand in the safe—rainy day money that she and Gun added to little by little. Janiyah and Gun were hoping to use the money to finance the weeklong church conference they were planning to attend in the next month. They had also planned on being caught up with Gun’s child support for Nia by then as well. Cash flow was not the same since Gun stopped dealing. He had a good payday on his last shipment, but they had used that money to pay off the house. They figured by paying off the house, they were guaranteed to always have a roof over their heads. Between her modeling career and him working at the school, they weren’t struggling financially, even though they didn’t have as much cash on hand as they were used to.
When she got to the closet, Janiyah knelt down and quickly put in Nia’s birthdate and removed the paper. “This is all we got.” Janiyah spoke the truth as she turned around and faced her assailant.
For the first time, she stared the barrel of his Glock down and shook her head. Janiyah glared at the partially masked man. He only had a handkerchief covering the lower half of his face. She immediately realized that the handkerchief he had on was exactly like the one Gun would custom order for his worker boys back when he was dealing. She remembered Gun telling her how he used to tell them to always hide their identities and how he taught them about getting down the “ski-mask way.”
“Tell Gun congratulations—and I got something for him too.” The man smacked Janiyah as hard as he could with his gun, knocking her out.
Chapter Nineteen
Janiyah lifted her hand and felt the knot growing on the back of her head where she’d been struck. She couldn’t tell if it was bleeding, but she was definitely mad that it had started to hurt. She focused in on her surroundings and realized she was in the backseat of a car. She was surprised that she wasn’t bound and gagged. Janiyah had no idea how long her lights had been knocked out, but she knew she’d been gone for a good minute.
Even more shocking, Janiyah’s assailant had left a visual for her to see. He had removed the handkerchief covering his face. Her captor’s skin was the perfect blend of milk and coffee. His tapered fade was fresh, and the strong smell of astringent invaded her nose every time she inhaled. He didn’t look like he could walk out with a 12-pack of beer even if he had the proper ID.
“I’m driving; you’re quiet,” he commanded.
Janiyah was about to give him a piece of her mind, but the sharp glare from his dark brown eyes advised against it. The man had a full nose, much like the Sphinx. His thin lips would disappear when he pressed them together. His goatee was sharp and pencil-thin.
Where is Gun? she wondered. God, let him be safe, Janiyah silently prayed as she watched the driver navigate traffic on the busy Airport Road. He effortlessly guided the black Lincoln Continental on I-40 West, heading toward Winston-Salem.
Janiyah wondered if her kidnapping, if she could call it that, was directly related to the pictures and videos. What old scores did she or Gun need to settle?
As far as she knew, all of Gun’s gang ties and street affairs were dealt with before he walked away from it all. He had reassured her that he had taken care of any loose ends and it was all behind him. If Gun was dead, she wouldn’t be breathing right now. Right? They wouldn’t have a need for her if they’d already killed him. Janiyah tried to reason with herself.
Her captor was focused on the road and didn’t seem too threatening toward her now. Janiyah said a prayer in hopes that everything would turn out all right. She kept praying to God that her and her husband would both make it out alive.
Who is this and what do they want?
Her answers seemed to lie ahead, as
her captor pulled into the Comfort Inn parking lot. Something about this didn’t seem right, and her senses were heightened. As she looked down, she saw goosebumps on her arms.
After her captor pulled up to one of the rooms, he put the car in park. He reached into his button-up shirt and pulled out a plastic card that had an advertisement for Domino’s Pizza on the front. “Go to room 232.”
Janiyah exhaled, knowing that she had no choice but to do what he said. What if Gun was in room 232, and what if she had to save him? She gripped the card tightly in her hand and exited the car. Janiyah looked around and noticed that aside from a few cars parked at the motel and a maid at the other end of the building, the place was empty. Janiyah couldn’t risk running to the gas station that was just a block over.
She walked up each step cautiously, making sure her feet were firmly planted on the slabs of concrete as she made her way up. Once she arrived at the top, she stopped. She was hoping she could find an identifying mark on the black Lincoln Continental so that she could notify the authorities. So many people in the area had black or white Lincoln Continentals. The make and model were popular for several people and firms who owned transportation services. Also, some of the well-to-do chose the model of car because it was more low-key than say a Lexus, BMW, or Benz.
She saw her captor talking on his phone and shook her head. Because the window was rolled up most of the way, she could barely see any more of the driver’s face. Janiyah looked ahead and made her trek to room 232. When she got there, she put the card in the card slot and quickly lifted the card out. As the light on the card slot went from red to green, she pulled the door handle down and stepped inside.
Janiyah could hear water running and saw a pair of men’s shoes placed near the foot of the bed. She could smell the preferred Jamaican cannabis, and it almost took her back to her high school days.
“I’m so glad you could make it,” a voice called from the bathroom as the water was turned off.
The man had a raspy voice with a slower drawl. The voice calling from the bathroom was deeper and more authoritative. It kind of sounded like the voice that had invaded the school the day of the video.
Janiyah held her guard. All she had to protect her from her captor was the keycard that let her into the room. A part of Janiyah wanted to run, but again, she didn’t know where Gun was, and she was determined not to leave the hotel room without him. “Who are you, and where is my husband?”
“Damn, you’re beautiful.” The man walked out of the bathroom.
Janiyah looked at this well-sculpted, six foot four, French vanilla–colored fine brother that walked toward her. The well-defined ripples in his chest told her that he worked out—a lot. The various tattoos on his chest told a story of lust and love as body parts seemed to come to life as he moved his body. The man had tattoos from the base of his neck to well below the thick white towel that draped his waist.
“Beautiful?” Janiyah got her senses together. “Who are you, and what have you done with my husband?”
“You don’t remember me, ma?” the man asked as he flashed his boyish grin. He flexed his muscles as he put his hands on his hips.
“No.” Janiyah caught an attitude. “The only reason you are relevant is because you have my husband. I hope you have my husband. Where is my husband?”
“Why don’t you have a seat on the bed?” the man suggested as he moved closer to her.
Janiyah attempted to slap him into next week but found her right hand quickly blocked. She stared at the man but found that she was no match for his apparent brute strength. The way he blocked her wasn’t forceful, but Janiyah didn’t want to take the chance to find out how forceful he could be. She complied with his original request to sit on the bed.
“I’m offended that you not only don’t know who I am, but that you tried to strike my pretty face.” The man smirked as he dropped the towel from his waist. He leaned down toward her and their eyes locked. She could’ve sworn she recognized those eyes. She couldn’t pinpoint from where she remembered them, though.
Janiyah couldn’t help but scan the man’s body, and she quickly covered her face when she realized he was completely naked. She couldn’t believe this bold joker was standing before her in the same manner his mother had pushed him out of her womb. From what she could tell, the tats were all over his rump and extended down his calf and all the way down to his feet.
“Look at me,” the man commanded.
“That’s all right.” Janiyah closed her eyes tightly.
“I said look at me!” the man commanded.
Janiyah felt her arm being yanked and her body being pulled up. She found herself leaning against this man, who exuded evil with every cell of his body. Janiyah remembered that in the Word, Satan was beautiful beyond measure. The man in front of her could give the supreme demon some competition. Or maybe he was Satan.
“What do you want?” Janiyah tried not to cry. The man still had a firm grip on her wrist, and she felt the spot where he was holding her start to hurt. His hold was tighter than a vise grip, and she could see her skin reddening under his fingers.
“I want Gun dead, but don’t worry, I ain’t gonna kill him without you being there to see it. And besides, I won’t kill him until I get what I want first.” The man flung Janiyah on the bed like a rag doll.
As she landed on the king-size bed, she looked up at the man as he was lowering his body on top of her. He wasn’t so beautiful anymore.
“Please don’t rape me.” Janiyah winced as she attempted to push her captor away.
The man grabbed both of her arms and put them above her head. He applied all his weight to her midsection, pinning her to the bed.
“Now, why would I want to do that?” the man taunted. “I’m sure I can get you so fired up, you’ll be beggin’ for me to give it to you.”
“Not in this lifetime.” Janiyah couldn’t believe her ears. “Me begging you . . . Oh, no, you got me messed up—I’m a married woman!” Janiyah let a few choice words slip. “Lord knows what diseases you got up on your nasty ass.”
“I’ll be as nasty as I want to be,” the man whispered in her ear, “but I’m not here for sex.”
“Then why are you on top of me?” Janiyah yelled, hoping she was loud enough for someone on the outside to hear her. Janiyah prayed that someone, perhaps Gun, would come to her aid. She continued to struggle to get the man off her, but she found that he was too strong.
“Because I don’t want you to hurt me again,” the man said as he let her go and rolled over on his side.
“Hurt you again?” Janiyah wondered what he meant by that, but she didn’t care to stick around and find out. She punched him, her blow landing on his back. Before she could get another lick in, the man quickly grabbed her wrist in the same location he had gripped it earlier. Janiyah felt pain.
“Hey, don’t make me hurt you now,” he warned.
He got up, and Janiyah could see a name tattooed on his lower back. “Montez,” she called out.
“And what if I told you I was him in the flesh?” Montez smirked as he walked toward the mirror. He looked straight at Janiyah through the reflection of the mirror. “I remember what happened the last time you and I were near a mirror.” He made sure to look right at her, a sly smirk spreading across his face.
Janiyah gasped as she brought her hands over her mouth. Montez! she thought as she quickly hopped out of the bed and got on her feet. That’s why his eyes seemed so familiar! She couldn’t believe she didn’t recognize her attacker. Here she was, face to face with the man that had caused her so much trouble and almost ruined her life four years ago. With all the changes her and Gun had undergone the past year, she rarely thought about that day anymore. She had come to terms with everything from that day and no longer dwelled on it.
Usually, a naked man didn’t make her feel uncomfortable, as her profession put her in a position to be next to quite a few, but her history with Montez was different, and she knew for herself that
this man would be just as dangerous sans clothing as he could be with clothes on.
“You’re the one that tried to rape me!” Janiyah boldly accused him as she tried to make her way to the door. “I wish to God you would’ve been caught that day.”
Montez was swift like a panther, and with ease, he blocked the door, preventing her exit. “You’re not getting out that easy, bitch, and if you keep making moves when I’m telling you to sit your ass down, you won’t ever see your pathetic little husband again. I promise you that,” Montez threatened as he reached for a towel and concealed his waist, He walked to the bed and sat down.
“I hope they throw you—” Janiyah said as she was about to try to make a run toward the bathroom, but then she remembered Montez’s threat.
“Your little tongue is bad, but I promise mine might be wicked,” Montez teased as he made himself comfortable on the bed. He straddled the corner like he was riding a horse. “You’re beautiful, Janiyah Merrie Wilson Wade.”
Janiyah watched as Montez tried to continue to seduce her. She recognized men like him. They tried everything imaginable to lure women with their looks. Montez licked his thick, succulent lips like he was LL Cool J. He flexed his muscles as if he were a body builder standing in front of a judge. His presence was powerful and could draw most people in like a magnet.
Janiyah shook out of it. She focused on Montez’s eyes as she looked at him. “And what do you want with my husband?”
“I want my money,” Montez replied.
Janiyah took the opportunity to sit in the chair that was at the table next to the window. She was pleased when Montez got up from the bed and took a seat across from her.
“What money?” Janiyah questioned. In the back of her mind, she tried to remember what debts Gun may have had left. To her knowledge, before Gun got out of the drug game, he made sure he’d paid everyone, some even more than he owed. That was his secret to ensuring that he left the streets in the streets.
“Let’s just say he owes me seventy-five thousand dollars for some Mollies that disappeared. That’s the money I loaned him, and the interest.” Montez was blunt as he reached across the table and put his hand under her chin.