Full Figured 11 Read online

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  One of these days, I’m gonna settle down and marry Braylin, and I’ll be done with all these hoes for good, Donovan thought as he temporarily ignored his vibrating phone.

  “Have a good time, baby. Tell Moms I said hey.” What a MILF she is. Yeah, I’d fuck that stuck-up old crow. Donovan’s thought process was a twisted one, and the sooner Braylin saw that, the better off she’d be.

  Braylin knew that her mother couldn’t stand him, much less him calling her Moms, but she kept her thoughts to herself. “Bye, D, and like I said, no mess.” She kissed him on the cheek and headed out the door.

  Donovan couldn’t even wait until she was down the driveway to reach for his phone and call his ho of the moment back. Unsurprisingly, that particular ho of the moment just happened to be Bronx.

  “Yo, ma. What’s good, Ms. Hood?”

  “What’s up, daddy?” Bronx gave her sickening imitation of a sexy laugh as she grinned into the phone.

  “Waiting on yo’ ass to come wrap your lips around my dick.”

  “Mmm . . . really? Well, open your back door and put it in my mouth.”

  The moment Bronx said that, Donovan became rock hard. He couldn’t wait to show her that today he was going to hold her to her word.


  Nayla had just hired the sweetest and most country woman she had ever met. She was from someplace in Alabama that sounded like the countriest place in the whole world. And poor Judea was the epitome of country!

  Nayla told her that she reminded her of Goldie from the Flavor of Love show, and Judea said, “I didn’t know that love came in different flavors. Why in the world would somebody name their child Goldie?”

  Nayla couldn’t help but burst out laughing, and Judea couldn’t understand what was so funny. She must have thought that Nayla wasn’t going to give her the job or something, because all of a sudden she got the saddest look on her face.

  “Pick your chin up, because employees of mine have to walk with their heads held high.”

  Judea seemed so excited. Nayla had never had someone who seemed so thrilled to be her personal assistant. Judea thanked Nayla with a hug that she didn’t even know she needed until she got it.

  No, Judea wasn’t the most qualified, but in her heart of hearts, Nayla just couldn’t send her back out on the street without a job. There was just something about her. Her simplicity and look of innocence was like a breath of fresh air. She knew that she would really enjoy working with Ms. Judea Divine Hamilton.

  The first thing Nayla wanted to do was transform Judea’s style. Actually, she needed a style to transform! She actually came in wearing a navy blue dress with a big-ass white sailor collar. That’s wasn’t going to cut it at Curvalicious. All of Nayla’s staff rocked her designs.

  Most of the thick and plus-size celebs rocked designs by Curvalicious. Those who couldn’t did what they do best, and that’s hate.

  Nayla couldn’t help but yawn as she reared backward into her leather office chair. She was weary, as yet another day of running Curvalicious had ended. She loved running the exclusively full-figured clothing line. Sometimes she still couldn’t believe that she was living out her dream from childhood. Now that she had accomplished her main goal professionally, her personal life had turned into days of painful boredom.

  Every once in a while, she wondered why she had left her husband. If there was one thing he could do well, it was eat some pussy. But even with that said, he didn’t do much else to make a sensible woman want to stay married to his ass. Nayla just needed to be touched and rubbed in places that the rest of her body had forgotten about.

  She drifted off into another one of her stimulating daydreams. As she sat at her desk, she began to smile while rubbing her wet pussy. Nayla normally daydreamed of Palmer, the deliveryman, with his tongue buried deep inside her love tunnel. She was used to someone knocking on her door just as it would start getting good. She sure hoped that wouldn’t be the case as her fingers started to do the walking.

  Nothing pleased Nayla more than having her thick pussy licked and sucked. If I didn’t act like such a bitch, maybe would I have gotten some dick or tongue action already. It was a huge adjustment going from getting some every night to being celibate.

  She didn’t want another husband or a baby daddy, but she sure did want some dial-a-dick that was only for her pleasure! While she enjoyed using her digits to dial up her own orgasms, she was ready to enjoy somebody else’s manual labor.

  Sometimes the simplest of daydreams turned her on in such a powerful way. They gave Nayla such a rush! They were what kept her going. Nayla didn’t have time for love. Love would have to find her late in life when she didn’t have shit else to do. For now, she would just continue to fantasize....

  “Won’t you join me?” she boldly offered.

  Without hesitation, Palmer eagerly pulled her into his arms. Not knowing where to begin, he took one of her large, dark nipples into his warm, moist mouth. Nayla squealed as she felt herself become hotter and wetter. She bit her bottom lip while Palmer planted soft, wet kisses all over her bronze skin. His kisses started at her full lips. His warm mouth then traveled south. Nayla reached out, grabbed Palmer, and gently forced his face into her hot, wet inferno. Her body shivered when she felt the heat of his breath blowing in the opening of Pandora’s Box. She could hardly wait to feel his tongue inside of her. He eagerly licked cum from her pussy. He then stuffed his hand inside of her. Nayla’s pussy took to Palmer’s hand as if it were his dick. At that point, she began fucking his large hand harder and faster. She continued until she built the ultimate climax.

  Palmer was holding her close, kissing her passionately. He had just made the most beautiful love to her. Palmer then looked at her with his dreamy eyes and whispered the words, “I love you.”

  Nayla snapped out of that daydream quick. As much as she wanted to feel that man’s nature, she was not ready for love with anyone. Not even the beautiful chocolate Palmer. Still, she just couldn’t stop thinking about that sexy man!

  If only Palmer could have felt what she felt. Palmer Campbell was a widow and a single father. He had asked Nayla to join him for lunch, dinner, coffee, church, and everything else, but she just couldn’t. He wasn’t a man who would be satisfied with just fulfilling a woman’s sexual desires. Palmer was looking for the one thing she wasn’t ready give. He wanted love.

  * * *

  Little did Nayla know that across town, there was someone dreaming of her too. Palmer Campbell awoke with a seductive smile on his face as his heart raced and sweat poured from his brow. He had had another dream about Nayla, and as usual, right before he had the chance to make love to her, his alarm clock went off. He jumped up, took a long look at his wedding picture before kissing it, showered, and got dressed into his uniform. He had to get his five-year-old to school in time for breakfast.

  “I don’t wanna go to school today, Daddy,” the younger version of Palmer whined. Five-year-old Jason looked more and more like Palmer with each passing day. “I wanna go on the deliveries with you!”

  “Come on now, big man.” Palmer couldn’t contain his smile. His son sat beside him with his arms folded across his chest and his bottom lip poked out. Jason looked like Palmer, but his actions reminded Palmer of his late wife. How he missed that woman.

  “You can ride with me on Saturday, the way you always do. But today, you have to go to school. Deal?” Palmer offered his hand to Jason for a shake that would seal the deal.

  “Deal!” Jason chanted as he smiled, revealing his two missing front teeth.

  * * *

  After dropping Jason off at school and giving him a big hug, Palmer headed to a down-home diner not far from his office. He ordered his usual: scrambled eggs, cheese grits, turkey bacon, and a bowl of fresh fruit. A simple glass of milk would be enough to wash the meal down. He took his time enjoying his breakfast while talking to some of the familiar faces.

  Palmer was in no hurry to get to the office. He knew once there he woul
d be hit on relentlessly by his aggressive co-workers. And, of course, he was right.

  The women in the office stared, mouths agape, as they watched the sexy, milk chocolate man load boxes into the back of the delivery truck. Palmer was sexy, simply because he didn’t realize his own sex appeal. The man had lost his wife three years ago to cancer and was raising Jason as a single parent. Many of the women wanted to fill the void in his life, but Palmer never showed any of them any interest. He was never rude, but he was obviously not interested in a relationship with any of them.

  “If only I could run my fingers through that wavy hair,” said Amanda, a petite brunette. She chewed on her bottom lip while watching his six-feet-plus frame. Palmer possessed an athletic build that would make a blind woman see.

  Amanda had tried seducing Palmer on more than one occasion. Though he was polite, he still turned her down. Amanda couldn’t believe that Palmer wasn’t interested in her. She was a young, beautiful woman in her mid-twenties. Her reputation preceded her. Most of the guys in the office marveled about her “oral skills.” Surely Palmer wanted to know firsthand what all the talk was about.

  “Tyson Beckford better watch out!” Selena, the bombshell Latina, whispered. She was another hot tamale who tried to get next to Palmer. She, too, had been rejected. They’d never understand that Palmer liked his women BBW.

  Palmer could feel the eyes on him as he loaded his truck. The women in the office were gazing out of the window at him as they always did. They were all beautiful women, especially Selena, but none of them was as curvaceous or charismatic as Nayla. If only Nayla looked at him the way the women in his office looked at him. If only she wanted him the way they wanted him.

  Palmer placed the last box inside the back of his delivery truck. He carefully secured the doors. The women were still watching, so he smiled and waved to them. He didn’t want to lead them on in any way, but he wasn’t going to be rude, either.

  Eager to get through another day of work, Palmer hopped in the cab of his truck. Working wasn’t a must for Palmer; it was a choice. He had been born into wealth, but no one outside of his family knew of his financial worth. Palmer wanted people to know and love him for who he was, and not what he was worth.

  He had a ton of deliveries to make, and as always, his final stop would be at Curvalicious. His mother had always taught him to save the best for last, and Nayla was definitely the best. Palmer couldn’t contain his smile as he pulled out of the parking lot with naughty thoughts of Nayla racing through his mind. The things he wanted to do to and with that woman . . .

  He couldn’t deny his sexual attraction to Nayla Anderson, but there was so much more to his feelings for her. He wanted to do more than just make love to her. Palmer wanted to love the woman. He wanted to be able to let go of Karmen, his late wife. Three years after her demise to cancer, Palmer still cried himself to sleep some nights while clutching their wedding picture to his chest.

  At times, he felt guilty for the way he felt about Nayla. It was almost as if he was cheating on Karmen in some way. That’s something he would have never done. Palmer loved Karmen from the first moment he laid eyes on her, and he still loved her. He would always love her. But never again could he hold her in his arms.

  In his heart, he knew that Karmen would want him to move on with his life. She would want a woman in the home to help him raise Jason, their only child. And he knew she would approve of Nayla. Even though they were as different as night and day, Karmen would admire Nayla’s drive. At age thirty, the woman had established herself in the world of fashion design.

  Palmer had asked her out on many occasions, but she always told him no. He didn’t understand. The look in her eyes proved her attraction toward him. He noticed how her face lit up every single time he made deliveries. Maybe she just didn’t think he, a deliveryman, was good enough for a professional woman like herself. If that was the case, she wasn’t the woman that Palmer had thought her to be.

  After a long day of non-stop deliveries, Palmer finally arrived at Curvalicious. He had not asked Nayla out since she had turned him down a few weeks ago. So, he decided he would ask her one last time. If she said no, he would somehow put thoughts of them together out of his mind. Somehow.


  It was seven thirty in the morning when Judea hurried into the office building. She was wearing a red dress similar to the navy blue sailor dress she had worn to her interview. Today, she wore her red pumps instead of the blue ones.

  Walking with her head down, Judea almost walked right into Lamar, who was posted next to the elevators. “I’m sorry. I shoulda been watching where I was goin’.”

  “Well, good mornin’, pretty girl.” Lamar smiled, exposing his gold tooth. “I was hopin’ to see you again.” They stepped onto the elevator.

  “Ooh, I’m so nervous,” Judea told Lamar. “I ain’t never liked first days, but Nayla seem so nice. Maybe it won’t be so bad.”

  “Ms. Anderson has always been nice to work for, and she give nice gifts to er’body at Christmas. I hope you’ll like it here, Judea, ’cause I sho’ like you!”

  No one so handsome had ever made her blush. “Oh, Lamar, you makin’ me blush.” She giggled then nervously checked the time on her wristwatch. “Uh-oh, I’m ’bout to be late. This here elevator takin’ a mighty long time. Back home, if you weren’t fifteen minutes early, you were five minutes late.”

  “Oh, don’t you worry yo’ pretty self ’bout that. Ms. Anderson don’t come in ’til ’round ten,” Lamar reassured her with a huge grin. “You know,” he continued, “you sho’ is pretty!”

  She smiled. “Oh, Lamar! You jus’ sayin’ that.”

  “Naw, Judea, I means it. I bet you done broke plenty of hearts ’round Georgia.”

  “No I ain’t, Lamar!” Judea laughed. She thought that was the funniest thing she had ever heard. “I ain’t never even had no real boyfriend befo’. I used to talk to boys on the porch, and every once in a while Momma would let me sneak and talk to them on the tel’phone, but that ain’t no real boyfriend. I was still in high school.”

  Judea enjoyed talking to Lamar. She felt as if she had known him forever. She hoped that he liked her as much as he said he did, because she really liked him too.

  “I’m sure you done left yo’ share of broke hearts in Virginia, Lamar.”

  “No, ma’am. I ain’t dated nobody since my ex-fiancée left me fo’ some ball player. But it don’t matter, ’cause he left her a year later.”

  “Well, that’s what she get,” Judea said, laughing. “You can’t be mean and not get meanness back.”

  “Ain’t that the truth,” Lamar agreed.

  The elevator finally stopped on Judea’s floor. Reluctant to end their friendly conversation, she said, “I guess this here’s my stop.”

  “Okay, pretty girl. I’ll stop by and see you later.” Lamar tried his best to hide his sadness. He hated to see her go.

  * * *

  Nayla was even later coming in than Lamar had said she would be, so all Judea had done all morning was answer the phone and take messages. This ’bout easy, she thought.

  “Hi, Judea! How are you today?” Nayla asked as she emerged from the elevator. She looked so tired.

  “I’m okay. How you doin’?”

  Nayla responded with a weak smile and a shrug of her shoulders.

  “If you don’t mind me sayin’,” Judea continued, “you look so tired.” Judea truly was concerned. Her new boss wasn’t wearing that bold mask of confidence she had seen the day before.

  “I’m fine, Judea. I just didn’t get much sleep last night,” Nayla answered. “Has the delivery man come in yet?”

  “No, not yet. Here’s your messages, though.”

  “Thank you.” Nayla accepted the sticky notes. She rushed into her office and shut the door.

  Judea knew that it was more than fatigue bothering her boss. She spent the next couple of hours answering phones and taking messages. Nayla had buzzed her on the intercom
and said she did not want to be bothered unless it was urgent.

  When Judea went downstairs on her break, she never expected to see the handsome Lamar sitting there in the fancy coffee place called Starbucks as if he had been waiting for her.

  “Hey, Lamar!” Judea was smiling and waving as she hurried to his table.

  “Hey there, Judea! I thought that you might be coming down for a coffee break, and I got you one of those mucha lottos.” Lamar was maybe even more country than Judea, but you could never tell Judea that. In her eyes, all Lamar was, was fine!

  “Ooh, thank you, Lamar! I’ve always wanted to try one of those mocha luchas.” She sat down across from him, but in her mind, she was sitting on him. She couldn’t believe that she was already fantasizing about Lamar West, but she was, and didn’t really mind it at all. In her mind, she was sitting in his lap, kissing his beautiful, full lips and licking his chocolate skin. Just tasting him and not caring who saw them.

  “Judea! Judea! Earth to Judea.” Lamar laughed as Judea snapped back to reality. “I was askin’ ya if ya wanted to go to one’a these here restaurants fo’ lunch.”

  “Lamar, I ain’t used to all these different languages of food. We can jus’ fetch something from McDavid’s and watch the kids play in that playground over yonder.” She didn’t want no I-talian, French, or any of them other languages. That food didn’t set right with Judea. It sounded too fancy and complicated. She liked simple foods.

  “Judea, McDavid’s is nice an’ all, but I knows a soul food joint not far from here. It’s called Mama Soul Food. They got collards, chitterlings, neck bones, fatback, black-eyed peas, and all kindsa good eatin’.” Lamar could see her getting excited as he told her about the restaurant.

  Judea licked her lips. It was nowhere near lunch, but her mouth was now watering. She closed her eyes and imagined the hog chitterlings sliding down her throat. “I hope it ain’t too far aways. I don’t wanna be late comin’ from lunch,” Judea explained to Lamar. He assured her that he would have her back before the lunch hour ended.