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Janiyah sized up the inmate. They were the same height. The other girl was a couple of shades darker and had more muscle mass, but that didn’t scare Janiyah. She was never one to back down from a fight. “If you want it, you could get it,” was her motto.
“Can I help you?” Janiyah mentally prepared herself to beat this bitch’s ass.
She really didn’t want to get into a fight; she’d rather finish her workout and get back to the screenplay she was writing. This was in addition to the ideas she was coming up with for a Web-series. She figured that if she were going to pimp herself in a Web-series, at least one of the shows could be a reality-like situation that would show the work and effort it would take for her to rebuild her career. At first, she was against any project for YouTube. She thought it was beneath her. But Gun had convinced her that as long as she didn’t put her ass and titties on display and she maintained full control of her image, she could make the show, which would allow her to gain a new following and put her in the position to keep shit going the way she needed.
The screenplay, which for now was titled Love and War, was something serious. She had about sixty pages drafted, featuring a strong male lead who would be Romeo mixed with OG from the Menace II Society movie. Her female lead would be a short, plus-sized, darker-skinned version of Beyoncé, much like how she saw herself.
“Actually, I’m here to help you out. I heard you been looking for me!” The broad lifted her voice to let others around them know there was about to be a showdown. “It’s your lucky day today because here I am. I don’t hide from nobody, ma.”
Janiyah carefully observed her enemy. She had tats from the base of her neck down to her torso. She didn’t appear to be holding a shank or any other homemade weapon, but that didn’t mean that one couldn’t be slid to her.
“Hey, Nat,” Janiyah responded. She really wasn’t trying to get anything going with this girl. She didn’t want to do anything to risk her getting more time on her sentence. “I don’t know who you been hearing shit from, but I ain’t looking for anyone. I got eleven months left on my time, and I ain’t trying to stir my pot. Whoever you got in your ear damn sure ain’t looking out for you by feeding you lies. Me and you get to fighting right now, and I promise you nobody out here is gonna give a single fuck about neither one of us.”
The broad talked some more. “Bullshit. You just saying all that to get me to turn against my peoples. I know my real niggas in here got my back.”
Janiyah realized that the young lady really wasn’t a threat. If she really was about that life, she would’ve made her move by now instead of bumping her lips. Janiyah caught the eye of the CO who was moving closer in their direction.
“Oh, is that what you really think? Look, little girl, I’m going to give you a piece of advice and I hope you’re smart enough to take it. These so-called niggas of yours are only gonna have your back as long as you do whatever they tell you to do. The second you say no, you’re gonna see they don’t give two shits about you. You’re wasting your time trying to get me riled up. If you wanna scrap, then let’s scrap. Now, if you’re all bark and no bite, then do me a favor and go do your time somewhere else and stop wasting mines.” Janiyah tried to give the broad one last chance to get out of her face.
“Bitch, fuck—” the woman started.
Janiyah took no chances. Before the broad could bust off, Janiyah delivered a bone-crushing uppercut to her jaw. She was a lover, not a fighter, but today, Janiyah was going to do the best she could and imitate Floyd Mayweather as she continued the assault with a left hook that not only broke this bitch’s nose but sent the young girl reelin’ backward. Janiyah let them hands rock that head like they were supposed to, delivering nothing but menacing and deadly face blows. If they had been locked up in a UFC cage fight, the referee would’ve pulled Janiyah off and given her the victory via knockout.
Instead, a few COs jumped to the girl’s aid. Janiyah was thrown on the ground with her hands behind her back.
“Oh, now you COs wanna do your job. Where were you when I got jumped, huh?” Janiyah yelled as they were lifting her up. The cuffs seemed to tighten behind her back.
Inside, Janiyah knew that beating the youngin’ to a pulp might not have been her best move. She was supposed to get out soon. Now this protective custody situation was going to turn into a segregation situation—no freedom, little peace, and a lot less sleep. She would probably get some more time tacked on to her sentence. Damn, and she was almost home. Only good thing she could think that came out of the situation was that she’d have more time to plan her career move and get her gameplan going with Gun.
In the back of her mind, she prayed to God that Gun kept the letters they wrote one another. After watching Love and Hip Hop the other night and seeing how Remy Ma and Papoose still held it down, a woman like Janiyah felt inspired. With the right person helping her, she could turn their beyond-the-beast love and marriage into a bestseller. As she was led away from the fray, Janiyah kept repeating the idea in her mind.
She prayed that by the time she got out, Gun would be down for turning their love affair into a book. She halfway thought Gun had the ability to at least come up with a first draft if she coaxed him and wrote him letters along the way. All Gun had to do was be receptive to the memo and get that smart brain of his in gear and get to work.
Chapter Six
Janiyah was thankful that the young broad didn’t steal her time by forcing her to fight. The judge saw it for what it was, some girl trying to make Janiyah’s situation worse, but she was sentenced to spend the next ten days caged like a crazy woman. It didn’t sit right with her, but it was either that or get more time, and screw it, how hard could ten days be?
Janiyah had privacy and time to think about how deeply Gun loved her, and she accepted that. After she was officially put on seg, Janiyah’s twenty-four-hour protection evaporated. She was left to face the other inmates on her own, and after her fight, she wished she had done it sooner. Janiyah didn’t want prison changing her, but she had to face the fact that it had.
Getting the news that Gun had gotten her message, was down with her ideas, and may have found some people who wanted to put her on as soon as she was released in the next few months kept Janiyah ecstatic. She couldn’t wait to touch ground. Her goal was to rock out harder than Lil’ Kim and Martha Stewart ever did. Janiyah Wade was going to get her spot back in the modeling industry, and this go-round, she would show that she was more than a beautiful face and a big smile. She was multi-faceted.
With no mirror in sight, she ran her fingers across her big mane. She felt the thickness and fullness that hadn’t touched some good grease or metal in years. Janiyah was convinced that with the right styling, she could actually pull off Chaka Khan’s look when she first touched ground. When she left, the target would be off her back, and on someone else’s.
Janiyah held the letter with Gun’s uplifting words. Her eyes scanned over the letter.
I love you. I don’t know how to put into words the kind of love I have for you. I say it again: I love you, Janiyah.
Janiyah smirked when she read those lines again. She thought of their last dinner date in which they feasted on turkey breast, greens cooked with a turkey wing, yams, dressing, some cranberry sauce, and a strawberry cheesecake on the side. The meal was meant to celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving, six birthdays, and a few Easters at one time. As Gun wined and dined Janiyah, she took pleasure in watching him devour the food they slaved in the kitchen to make while she was in her lingerie and his boxer briefs barely stayed on his ass.
They say you don’t know what you got until it’s gone, and they’re right. You’re behind those walls with no one to talk to, no makeup to put on, or me trying to get into your pants after a long day’s work. I come home to no woman to spend my time with, and that makes a man two seconds from losing his mind. My head has been spinning in circles lately just thinking about everything.
After giving things a lot of thought, I’
ve made my decision. I’m leaving the business. I ran into Big Shirley the other day. I don’t remember if I had ever mentioned her to you, but she was my mentor when I first came into the business. Big Shirley was a real OG gangster back then, and one day she left her business too. She told me it was the best decision she ever made. She’s a big part of a church now. She invited me to go, and I went last Sunday. Janiyah, it was off the chain!
I had never felt what I felt that day. It’s like a part of me woke up. A part that I never even knew I had. Listen, I know how you feel about God and everything, but if you experienced what I did last Sunday, I know you would change your mind. Talk to your friend Oz about it. She’s the one that’s always trying to get you to go to Bible study with her, right?
Anyway, I’m gonna keep going to the Sunday services and see where it takes me. I hope when you get out that I am able to go with you by my side. I’m going to stick with you because from now until I meet my Maker, there is nothing I ain’t willing to do for us, and I promise I’m always going to take care of you. I’m looking forward to growing old with you, Janiyah.
Janiyah sat back, closed her eyes, and thought about his last statement. She didn’t want to imagine herself being old and gray, but it was a reality she was going to have to face eventually. She pictured herself with salt-and-pepper hair and subtle wrinkles at the corner of her eyes. In the modeling business, Janiyah often saw women who lost their youth and their mind because they put so much emphasis on their age and not embracing the changes in their physical appearance. Janiyah promised herself right then and there to not become like those women. She was confident that she’d embrace the aging process and she’d wear it well. She decided she’d put more effort into keeping up with her health and physical shape so she’d have sex appeal into her fifties, sixties, or until she took her last breath!
My days will be spent doing pushups, situps, crunches, and any other exercise to keep my heart racing and my limbs warm.
Janiyah had already been applying herself to more exercising for a while now. She had read a self-published memoir of an ex-con on one of her first months behind bars. It inspired her to get on some weights and to work out, not to lose weight, but so she could stay in shape. She was thankful for that book, because the exercise had really helped with releasing a lot of pent-up frustration, not to mention the lonely nights when she missed feeling her husband inside of her.
Janiyah thought back to when she would see Gun standing naked in the bathroom after a hot, steamy shower. He looked so sexy standing there with drops of water sliding down his silky, smooth skin. She used to love to stare at his flaccid penis and how it hung between his legs. She would sneak up behind him as he dried himself off and glide her hands up and down his back. A soft, low moan would escape her mouth as she made her way down and gently took his member into her hands. Soft, it was about two fingers thick and the length of his middle finger. His tip was about the size and shape of a large mushroom head.
Janiyah lay on the bunk as she felt a throbbing sensation take over between her legs. As her hand traced her body, Janiyah closed her eyes and stroked herself. More thoughts of her and Gun’s lovemaking sessions flooded her mind. God, she missed him. She’d had decent experiences with other men in her past, but none made her move and feel the way he did. In her mind, she pictured Gun doing the same thing. Janiyah pictured him grabbing his meat and squeezing it. She envisioned helping him and teasing him, making the blood rush to his member before he let it go.
Keeping her eyes closed, Janiyah slid her fingers insider herself, pretending her fluids lubricated his member. She pretended Gun was sliding into her nice, tight pussy.
Janiyah could’ve used that jail head. Instead, she was rocking her hips, clenching her ass, almost close to busting the first nut she’d had in months. When Janiyah’s body trembled, she felt like the room was shaking.
Fuck, Gun, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, Janiyah thought as she felt herself near her moment. The nut was feeling good. She could feel her fingers curling, and a deep, lustful grunt wanted to escape her lips. She knew she had to stay quiet so she wouldn’t get caught. She didn’t want to do anything that would make them keep her in seg any longer than she needed to be.
As Janiyah’s eyes flicked open, she quickly grabbed a soda bottle off the toilet and put the rim at the opening of her pussy. She rubbed the rim of it around her clit, pretending she could feel Gun coming inside her.
Chapter Seven
The door of her cell opening broke her concentration. She was in the middle of doing a set of military-style pushups when she saw a pair of black boots entering her cell.
“Wade.” The officer addressed Janiyah. “It’s time to go. You will be released in one hour. Grab your personal possessions, and we will take you to holding shortly.” The CO handed Janiyah a copy of her release papers.
A smile crept across Janiyah’s face. She couldn’t wait to get out of this hellhole. She couldn’t believe her release day was finally here. The last six months had been a whirlwind. After her fight with Nat, the Nietas stopped chasing her. It seemed her showing she was willing to fight for hers took the fun out of the stupid little cat and mouse game they liked to play with inmates. It seemed her three-year nightmare filled with fights, negative thoughts, a vicious beating and stabbing, the modeling career put on hold . . . all of that was coming to an end. The judge had promised her the fight with Nat would not affect her release date, and today the judge proved to be true to her word.
Janiyah had kept a very low profile these last months. She did not want to put herself in any situation that could possibly get her more time on her sentence. She had been doing a lot or reading, exercising, and mental preparation for when she got out. She was ready to hit the ground running. She couldn’t wait to see Gun, to hold him, kiss him, make love to him.
Gun had been a very busy man over the past months too. He had officially retired from the drug game. He did one last major shipment that helped him go out with a bang. That last job was one of the largest paydays he ever did. Aside from his business life, he had also made huge changes in his personal life. He had continued to go to church every Sunday and had even gotten baptized. He has been attending Bible studies and retreats, and had really become a dedicated member of Big Shirley’s church.
After letters upon letters from Gun encouraging and pushing her to go to Bible study with Oz, Janiyah finally agreed to go. Although she felt she hadn’t really experienced a life-altering moment the way Oz and Gun had, she did open her eyes and heart to making changes in her lifestyle. She did have a better understanding of who God was now and had promised Gun she was willing to work on developing her spiritual relationship when she was released. Gun had faithfully stayed with her through everything in the past three years. It would only be fair to him that she stand by him with his new lifestyle change too.
As she left her cell, she looked around for Oz. Janiyah was going to miss her friend, but truthfully, she was glad she was going to be free. She hadn’t been able to receive a letter from Gun in ten days, and she was given five days’ notice of her release date, so she didn’t know if he knew she was getting out today. She wrote him a letter to let him know, but the COs sometimes didn’t send letters out until the end of the week, so she wasn’t sure if he had received it or if it had even been sent out. Because of everything going on with his drug business three years ago, she hadn’t listed him as the person of contact for her, so she was sure he hadn’t been reached out to by any administrators to notify him of her release
As she made her way through holding, she looked for Gun. She wanted to hold him, kiss him, see him. She was deeply disappointed when she didn’t see him. Her disappointment disappeared the second she spied her friend Grelle waiting for her.
“Girl, you’re coming with me,” Grelle called out and pulled Janiyah in for a hug.
“Grelle, what the—” Janiyah couldn’t believe she was facing her best friend. Or was she her best friend? Janiyah didn’t k
now, since she hadn’t heard from her in the last three years.
Grelle looked good. Her white tank top hugged her tight and showed off her full D cups, and her Apple Bottom jeans made onlookers drool at the ass women paid good money to inject cement into their behinds to get. Her pink work boots gave a thuggish edge to her otherwise feminine look.
“We need to talk now, and we aren’t going to do it here.” Grelle jerked Janiyah back and made her way through the exit.
There was no way in hell her friend was about to come at her in broad daylight, but Janiyah noticed in Grelle’s other hand was the holster of her Smith & Wesson M&P Shield. In Janiyah’s mind, the fact that the state slipped and let Grelle slide in a weapon could only mean her happy release day was abruptly taking a turn for the worse.
* * *
Janiyah tried to free herself from Grelle’s tight grip.
“Bitch, really?” Grelle questioned as she shoved Janiyah inside her obsidian black BMW 760 Li sedan. Three years was too long to go without seeing one of her best girlfriends. The six-foot, copper-skinned beauty was only a few pounds heavier, but she still made being a tall black woman look good.
In the back of her mind, Janiyah wondered what happened to Grelle. When her boyfriend, Trap, was alive, Grelle looked and acted the part of a dime piece. Top of the line clothing and jewelry was standard, even for a jog in the park. If Apple Bottoms were her version of dress down, Grelle still wasn’t bad. She looked like she was dressed to beat a bitch’s ass, and unfortunately for Janiyah, that bitch might be her.